The sculptor Mircea Roman first time at Galateca


In July 2014, Mircea Roman, the only Romanian artist who won the big award at the Osaka Trienale (Japan), the most  prestigious award in the field, presented his work of art at Galateca. Moreover, on the Romanian transaction market, Mircea Roman is the only Romanian artist auctioned together with Grigorescu, Tonitza, Aman and Petrascu.

The sculptor was born in Targu Lapus, in 1958, and he studied sculpture at the Institute of Arts from Cluj Napoca. In 2007, he moved his studio in Bucharest, after he spent 14 years in London. He developed numerous personal and group exhibitions, he took part to creation workshops and conferences, his works being showcased in many private and museums collections.

In Galatea portfolio, Mircea Roman’s works have been presented among artists such as Simon Henwood, Silviu Oravitzan, Mircea Nechita, Florin Barza and Virgiliu Parghel.